

How does our technology work


General principle


Huge enery losses exist in many industrial plants (dairy industry, textile dye/ bleaching, paper mills) also swimming pools, spas, hospitals and other larger services where warm waste water is descharged directly in to the sewage system.

Since we have to warm the fresh water for the various reasons and process, it is desirable to fully maximise energy potential. The warm waste water is a very valuable “secondary raw material”.



Heat recovery is not an unknown phenomenon but the energy recovery from the waste water is however more complicated due to its pollutants. Practically, all existing heat exchangers require clean water, otherwise they become blocked and less efficient. Preconditioning of the waste water for heat exchangers is difficult and expensive.

Our specially developed waste water heat exchangers have now significantly improved the recovery process making it more efficient and economically attractive.

Heat exchangers can handle the entire waste destined for the sewage. Contaminated water can flow through the heat exchanger without the need for pressure pumps. The heat exchanger is simply placed into the waste pipelines and becomes an integral part of the system. It’s durability is unlimited as there are no moving components and it requires no energy for its operation.

By the use of the heat exchangers it is possible to gain back 20 – 50 % of the energy originally used for the water heating. The savings differ according to the amount and temperature of the waste water. The more unused warm waste water flows through the exchanger the more interesting becomes the gain from the installation. The temperature is also an important factor. Economically interesting effects can already be achieved with the waste water temperatures as low as 30 – 35°C.

Economic profitability of the investment is based on the amount of waste water and operating time of the heat exchanger and will be reached within 1 – 3 years. Estimated investment return for a three shift operation is around 1 year and for one shift operation approximetely 3 years. With expected durability of 30 and more years there can be no doubt about the profitability of these heat exchangers in waste water management.

Our heat exchangers are produced in a wide range. The smallest are designated for a single shower,  largest can process 8 litres of waste water per second. For even bigger volume it is possible to connect multiple heat exchangers into systems or manufacture special unit for an individual case.