Tag Archives: waste water heat exchanger


Ivan SAKAL – Technologie pro usporu energie Lipova 127 Tyn nad Vltavou 375 01 www.sakal-ovt.cz Ivan Sakal   Ing. Šárka Laura Tůmová phone: +420 602 437 596 email:  i@sakal-ovt.czphone: +420 733 517 685                 email: sarka@sakal-ovt.cz   Our Partners: AUSTRIA UNEX HEATEXCHANGER Engineering GmbH Ing. Márton Antal Leskó Hauptstraße 17 7000 Eisenstadt        www.unex-eu.com phone: email: +43 […]

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About us

Hello, my name is Ivan Sakal. I deal with the construction and production of special heat exchangers, used to recover energy from the waste-water. Process does not require pre conditioning or filtering of the dirty water, heat is transferred directly to the clean input water. Recovered energy saves considerable amount of heating costs. Based on […]

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