NELA in Sinfonia Project

Shower exchanger NELA in Insbruck in project SINFONIA-Low Carbon Cities for Better Living.

With 80% of European citizens living in urban areas, cities have a crucial role to play in the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Faced with the challenge of ensuring the quality of life of their citizens while becoming more energy efficient, cities must look at the system level and develop integrated urban development strategies that will make them both sustainable and better places to live. 

The SINFONIA project is a five-year initiative to deploy large-scale, integrated and scalable energy solutions in mid-sized European cities. At the heart of the initiative is a unique cooperation between the cities of Bolzanoand Innsbruck, working hand in hand to achieve 40 to 50% primary energy savings and increase the share of renewables by 20% in two pioneer districts. This will be done through an integrated set of measures combining the retrofitting of more than 100,000m² of living surface, optimisation of the electricity grid, and solutions for district heating and cooling.

Our shower exchanger NELA, a shower waste water heat energy recovery unit, is a part of devices, which are integrated in … compared efficiency, cost and size with others.
More about Sinfonia project please visite

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